Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Hair Industry Forms New Coalition to Combat Violence in Our Communities

The Coalition of Hair Professionals Against Violence
A coalition is being formed that is made up of hair industry professionals from across the hair spectrum. These hair professionals are looking to make a difference in their communities by stamping out violence and providing a support system.

This type of civic effort is much more focused than just bringing attention to the issues that plague our communities.  We're looking to make a difference and starting with the democratic process.  It's our one true source where we can have our voices heard.  The beauty of all of this, pardon the play on words, is that we have the best resource available, our hair salons, barbers shops, etc.  

Who should join us and why?  If you're in and or around the hair industry, this is your voice, however, it's open to all who share the passion to make positive changes in their communities.    We're looking establish the coalition and to move it forward with smart objectives.  

The hair salons and barber shops pretty much cover every person in that community at some point or another and is the perfect space to bring persons together. 

Our coalition looks to increase knowledge in the democratic process and will do all to help with the voting effort.  We need to begin to elect our own officials and support our own causes that will make a difference in our daily lives.  
Hair industry:  Now, you can do more than beautify the folks in the community, you can beautify the community.  If you'd like to help us accomplish greater things.. Email: .

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