Sunday, September 21, 2014

How Hitting the Bumps Can Lead to Success by Kerry Hines

Not many will say but life's bumpy road is one of the preparations of success.  An uneasy and often difficult and unpleasant journey should be anticipated.  The success should not be viewed as merely a financial reward at the end of a rainbow but the long arduous task of daily pursuing your goals.  I have always believed it is that pursuit that not just leads you to success but IS the success!

One of the other big preparations is the cultivation of many relationships along life's bumpy road.  I have come across many who are fantastic supporters of your ideas and those who are mystified by your guts to pursue your dreams.  I have said there are bodies everywhere and some have served as speed bumps.  And yes, there is a purpose for these and all kinds of relationships, too!

My favorite stop along the bumpy road is that of financial resources.  You never have quite enough and the road is definitely a lot bumpier without it.  I think we all can agree that one of the most important components of any business is that of financial resources.

The bumpiest part of the road of success may actually be your product.  It's not without trial and tribulation that you develop the 'perfect' products.  Market research is a beneficial tool but even that is not full proof.  I've been absolutely jarred by choosing products or services that just shouldn't have been part of a business model.  This is how you endure the bumps until you get to the smooth road.

Is there really a such thing as a smooth road in business?  No.  I guess you have to re-pave your own road by making your difficult and unpleasant challenges the success you anticipated.

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