Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Are You A Hair Legend And Don't Know It by Kerry Hines

Could You Already Be a Hair Legend?  We're talking about from a professional hairstylist perspective.  We'll later take a look at some of those legendary clients who have shaped our culture with their own amazing style in an upcoming installment.  Now, I've been in and around the hairstylist  superstars for close to twenty years and I think I've finally figured it out.  These days you have the Internet and many hairstylists have literally built their careers and owe a great deal of gratitude to the Internet.  If you compare those times with these, you'll re-think what makes a hair legend most.

Let's define "hair legend" for the sake of this piece.  This is an industry professional who has been in the game for decades and knows what his or her value is in the hair and beauty industry.  It's someone whose talent is only surpassed by their commitment to their community.  The hair and beauty world would not be the same without this person as this legendary person has carved their own place in hair Americana.  Can we all name someone who would fit the bill?  I think we can.

Does being a celebrity hairstylist make you a legend in the hair and beauty world?  Probably not, right?  It probably does in the entertainment world, though.   Does it take a reality show to make you a legend?  I think early on when reality shows were first beginning to gain a foothold in the hair and beauty industry, we thought we were going to only see the best of the best.  Like many other areas in the reality spectrum, we've seen the worst of the worst and plenty of it.  There a few shining spots that we have to recognize that, too!  I am not so much talking about any particular hairstylist but the behavior we've witnessed.  It is not very legendary becoming, shall we say.

So, could you already be a legend?  I think the word fits a lot of great hairstylists out there in the game.  If you really don't know whether you're a legend or not, I guess you're probably not.  At least, not yet.  Keep working on it and you never know.

I love that there is a braiding legend, a loc legend, a cosmetologist legend, etc.  The diversity in our hair spectrum is really the celebration and I think that makes everyone a legend.

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