Tuesday, August 19, 2014

LetMyBrothersLive.Org Tragedy in Ferguson: Michael Brown

HaiRadio.com is proud to be part of the national conversation about the unfolding events in Ferguson, Missouri.  The events that surround the untimely death of Michael Brown at the hands of the local authorities.

We began by having a 'HaiRadio Town Hall'.. It was our own version to give voice to so many of our show fans who needed to express their feelings.

HaiRadio.com welcomed participants from around the country to participate in a conference call that reviewed the facts of the case and a brief review of the timeline of the events.

In addition to our efforts to send positive thoughts to the folks in Missouri, we'd like to also inform everyone of our new watchdog group, "LetMyBrothersLive.Org".  The words pretty much say it all.  We'll be focused on supporting our community efforts to bring change to each other and our nation.

If you have ideas or suggestions and would like to be part of the LetMyBrothersLive.Org efforts- give us a call at 800-526-2610, ext. or or send us an email to press@HaiRadio.com.

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