Thursday, August 21, 2014

H World Magazine Is Now "My Hair Is Natural".. The Debut Issue

Our Magazine's New Name:  "My Hair Is Natural" (MHN)

Finally, our glossy monthly digital publication is on the horizon.  We're so excited to be out with our premiere issue of a brand new publication all about natural hair..  We've fancied it up quite a bit and given it a beautiful  new name and so much more! has been part of the extraordinary natural hair community for two decades and this is progressively, the next step.

"My Hair is Natural"  features beautiful pictures and great stories that have you thinking about healthy hair habits.  MHN also features the latest in hair news around the country and around the world with our roving hair reporter.

Exciting Opportunity for Writers, Advertisers, Sponsors.  If you are a hairstylist, barber or have your own product line, advertise with us.  Great low introductory offer (for a limited time only).
Call us 1-800-526-2610, ext 2. 

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